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Slovak Government Scholarships 2011 for International Students

The provision of development aid of the Slovak Republic (SR) in the area of education takes the form of the award of scholarships of the Government of the SR that are consistent with the conditions approved by the Government Resolution No.344/2010 of 25 May 2010 for developing countries and for Slovaks living abroad. The provision of scholarships of the Slovak Republic Government (2011-2012) is a long-term component of development assistance by the SR, which is a programme and project activity of the SR Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the framework of the international community.

The official range of scholarship positions available is annually notified through the diplomatic offices of the SR abroad.

Applicants for scholarships of the Government of the SR are informed of the basic eligibility conditions that include:

1) selected study program within an approved list of supported courses of study specifically for developing countries

Economy and management, Physical sciences, Ecological and environmental sciences, Architecture and civil engineering, Construction engineering, technologies, production and communications, Agriculture, Forestry, Veterinary sciences, Water management, Medical sciences, Dental medicine, Pharmaceutical sciences and Non-medical health sciences.

and for Slovaks living abroad

Teaching, educational activity and pedagogic sciences, Humanities, Arts, Social and behavioural sciences, Journalism and information, Economy and management, Architecture and engineering, Physical sciences, Life sciences, Ecological and environmental sciences, Construction engineering, technologies, production and communications, Agriculture, Forestry, Veterinary sciences, Water management, Non-medical health sciences, Mathematics and statistics, Information sciences, information and communication technologies.

2) Study outcomes achieved during the secondary education or prior study

The award of the scholarship of the Government of the SR for a standard duration of study is conditional upon proficiency in the Slovak language at a required level and the admission to the study in selected course of study by a public university in the SR. To tackle the requirement, the Government of the SR provides a one-year scholarship for language preparation, and, where necessary, also technical preparation. This takes place in the institutions that have been accredited for such preparation. Any arbitrary shortening of the period of study in the preparatory year is unacceptable. The scholarship holder is obliged to keep to the date of starting the study, as determined by school.

3) Scholarships

Scholarship of the Slovak Government for one-year language and vocational preparation if the applicant has not completed his/her secondary education in the SR or at a secondary school with Slovak language lessons abroad. Graduation from this does not replace the acceptance proceedings for university study pursuant to SR Act No. 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education and on Changes and Amendments to Some Acts, as amended.

Financial Conditions

In accordance with the decision of the SR Minister of Education the SR Ministry of Education will provide a scholarship of the Slovak Government to a foreigner who is at the time a student at a public university in the SR pursuant to Act No. 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education and on Changes and Amendments to Some Acts as amended as follows:

SR Government scholarship for university education degree
*scholarship (s) merit scholarship (ms)

Language and professional training €280 monthly(s) 0(ms)
First-degree university study €280 monthly(s) €50 monthly(ms)
Second-degree university study €280 monthly(s) €50 monthly(ms)
Third-degree university study (PhD.) €330 monthly(s) €170 annually(ms)

a) one-off contribution during language and professional training, first and second degree of university study

b) one-off contribution during the third degree of university study (PhD.)

4) Eligibility Requirements

DURING STUDY IN 1ST AND 2 ND DEGREE UNIVERSITY STUDY PROGRAMMES (hereinafter referred to as bachelor, master and doctoral study) IN THE SR

Persons applying for a scholarship of the Slovak Government for bachelor, master and doctoral degree study programmes of university studies in the framework of the offer must meet the following conditions:


Persons applying for a scholarship for PhD. study in the framework of the SR Government offer must fulfil these conditions:

Required documents

5) Application deadline

The deadline for Slovak government scholarships is 30 May 2011. Incomplete materials and applications delivered after the deadline will not be considered.

It is necessary to send the form of the Application for scholarship of the government of SR together with annexes and required documents, through the embassy of his/her respective country through a diplomatic channel to the following address:

Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic
International Cooperation Division
Stromová 1
813 30 Bratislava
Slovak Republic

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